Animation Short made by Renske Cuijpers as her graduation project.
The most important aspect of the sound design for the tablet game Briquid was the realistic sound of flowing water. Instead of a looping sample it uses very small bits of different water sounds: streaming, dripping, crashing and filling a reservoir. These short samples are triggered in multiple layers depending on the amount of water moving.
The result didn't go unnoticed, and Briquid was selected in the Best Music & Audio category at the Dutch Game Awards 2013!
“The choice to let Briquid compete for a price in the Best Music & Audio category was quickly made. Arjen Schut did an exceptional job.” Dutch Game Awards 2013, Briquid
After Killzone 2 and 3, Guerrilla Games again asked me to join ranks over a period of 7 months to help out with the sound design for the latest Killzone. I did most of the multiplayer world sound work, so re-using content from the single player and creating everything that was still missing. And I did a lot of single player ambient zoning and reverb zoning.
No video available (yet). Using gameplay captures it's difficult to zoom in my work, with all the weapon violence going on :-)
This is a moving storyboard, with concept sound design, finished in May 2013. The final animation will be way prettier (screenshot) and shall need more detailed sound design as well. I made a short compilation of a few scenes for portfolio purposes only.
We're still looking for funding to continue this awesome project!
For the iPad storybook Hansel and Gretel the quality of the sound design had to match the excellent visuals, storytelling and music. There's a lot of positive app reviews on the internet, and also sound is specifically mentioned!
“But even better than the lush, unique visuals are the many wonderful audio elements in the Hansel and Gretel – Epic Tales Animated Storybook.” Tapscape, review
“The music and sound effects are great, each page really comes alive...” The iPad Fan, review
“A solid Hansel and Gretel app built around excellent animations and sound. A super production!” Apps4Kids, review
A short compilation of 2 corporate videos for UBS, the original voice over is left out. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to show the full versions. I still think it's nice to show it here, because the sound design is more ‘sci-fi’ than is usually fit for corporate material.
Besides the sound design projects I can show here, I do other work that’s not really suitable for a video portfolio. Projects that involve dialogue editing, sound related work for theatre and exhibitions, prototype programming using Cycling74 Max, etc. Some day in the near future there's probably going to be a blog about all that...
Since 2008 after finishing my HKU sound design studies I have been working as a freelance sound designer. At first I was mainly working on interactive projects, but nowadays I create sound for all sorts of media (game, app, animation, corporate, short film, website, etc).
Guerrilla Games, Paladin Studios, ForceField, Gamious, House of Secrets, Good Shepherd Entertainment, Gamistry Games, Creative Beards, Studio Noord